Professor Jose A. Obeso
HM Puerta del Sur
Avenida de Carlos V, 70 (Auditorio)
28938 Móstoles (Madrid)
With the collaboration of: Boston Cientific
12.00 Welcome and Introduction
José A. Obeso
Director of the Centro Integral de Neurociencias AC, HM CINAC, Madrid, Spain
12.15 Neuronal activity and Pathophysiology of the Basal Ganglia
Peter Brown
Oxford University, UK
12.45 Advances and indications of Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson´s disease
Gunther Deuschl
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany
13.15 Discussion
13.30 Hot Topic: How much better can DBS evolved for movement disorders?
Raúl Martínez
HM CINAC, Madrid, Spain
María Rodríguez-Oroz
Biodonsotia, San Sebastián, Spain
Francesc Valldeoriola
Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain
Paul Krack
Joseph Fourie University. Grenoble, France.
14.15 Lunch-Break
15.30 Cortical Excitability in Movement Disorders
John C. Rothwell
UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK
16.00 Modulation of Cortical Excitability in health and disease
Antonio Oliviero
Hospital de Parapléjicos, Toledo, Spain
16.45 Hot Topic: Can cortical activity be modified the therapeutic purposes?
Marta del Álamo
HM CINAC y Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain
Guglielmo Foffani
HM CINAC, Madrid, Spain
Juan A. Barcia
Hospital Clinico de Madrid, Spain
Peter Brown
Oxford, UK
17.30 Coffee-Break
18.00 From Movement to Behavioral disorders: Newer Applications for Deep Brain Stimulation
Paul Krack
Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France
18.30 Exploring Cognitive Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric disorders
Bryan A. Strange
Lab. for Clinical Neurosciences CTB-UPM and Department of Neuroimaging Reina Sofia Centre for Alzheimer´s Research, Madrid, Spain
19.15 Hot Topic: Are we ready for neuromodulation of behavior and emotions in the clinic?
Luis Caballero
Department of Psychiatry, HM Puerta del Sur, Madrid, Spain
Jorge Guridi
Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Ignacio Obeso
HM CINAC, Madrid, Spain
Bryan A. Strange
Lab. for Clinical Neurosciences CTB-UPM and Department of Neuroimaging Reina Sofia Centre for Alzheimer´s Research, Madrid, Spain
19.45 Conclusions
José A. Obeso
HM CINAC, Madrid, Spain
Free registration. Deadline: 22nd February 2016.
RSVP: Cristina Calvo (HM CINAC) o María Luisa Seco (Boston Scientific):